How will my dues be used?

Dues provide the resources to stand up for good jobs and benefits, decent working conditions and a better future for our families. That's why union members in private industry earn 38 percent more on average than nonunion workers. They also receive 54 percent more in benefits. None of this would be possible without the strength that comes from our Teamster dues.

Most of your dues, 78 percent, stay with your local union in order to fund activities that give workers more power at the bargaining table, in the statehouse and in the community. Some of these activities include:

  • Organizing expenses;
  • Office equipment and regular administration expenses;
  • Attorneys to assist in negotiations, grievances and arbitration;
  • Training;
  • Research into companies and industries to gather information for negotiations and organizing; and
  • Accountants to analyze the company's books.

Members receive information about how dues money is spent by their local at regular monthly membership meetings, and local unions also file annual reports with the U.S. Department of Labor. The International Union publishes its annual audited financial statement in Teamster magazine, which is sent to every member.

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