Local 455 Seals Peak Season Sleeper Team Bidding Rules at UPS

In preparation for the 2023 peak delivery season as the holidays approach, Teamsters Local 455 has sealed an agreement with UPS that protects sleeper team drivers from dramatic increases or decreases in route mileage this year.
Local 455 Business Agent Greg Marshall said the new work rules protect Local 455 drivers from having management either suddenly increase miles during peak season OR from dramatic cuts that hurt drivers with high seniority. Local 455 represents about 50 sleeper teams.
"The new language means that any runs changed by 500 miles, you can rebid the route," Marshall said, affording senior drivers bumping rights. "Six times last year I called them out about this problem, and they wanted the sun and the moon to reach an agreement -- a separate seniority list for sleepers and feeders, on-call language. This year, we have negotiated sleeper team work rules with no concessions."
Peak season 2023 runs from Nov. 15-Dec. 26. Local 455 sleeper teams will bid for the peak season today; new bid runs will begin Nov. 20.
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Teamsters Local 455 published this page in Latest News 2023-11-09 11:20:31 -0700